Reduce, reuse, recycle

“Hello and welcome back, I’m Dean Berman from Berman Buys.

This week I want to talk about the zero waste movement in our modern homes.

The goal is to reduce waste to zero.

Leading to less impact on the external environment.

In such areas as waste collection, storage, decomposition and pollution.

This is the continuous waste loop.

1. Reduce.
Reduce waste where possible such as limiting leftovers (mm it’s only 3 days old, eat some food!) or prolonging clothing useful life.

I have found this is probably the simplest way to start.

Just try and use what you have at your disposal and only buy new if you have too.

Due to Covid however, I have found due to online shopping the amount of soft plastics in our household has increased.

2. Reuse.
Reuse waste that can be reused such as hard plastics in creative ways like plant containers.

I have only touched the surface of this and plan to improve.

However, I’ve found milk cartons, glass jars and egg cartons make great plant holders.

3. Recycle.
The more we close the loop, the less waste gets out into the world.

Recycle waste that can be composted.

I have been composting food scraps for about 2-3 months now in a worm farm.

The total project cost $150+/- and I believe it’s one of the best investments.

It’s simple to manage as well with some internal composting bins.

We purchased ours from IKEA.

Once every few days emptying them into the worm farm.

Then feeding your plants the nutrient rich worm liquid seems to give them super powers.

Eventually harvesting the worm castings as plant food.

I find it fascinating how these scraps become useful for the worms and garden.

4. The continuous loop ends when waste leaves the internal household.

That’s when things can go wrong.

Impacting waterways, marine life, drinking water and greenhouse gases.

In summary I would highly recommend trying to reduce, reuse and recycle a go.

Enabling you to move ever so slightly closer to zero waste.

You may even enjoy it and save the planet in the process.”

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